Ways to Savor Summer Nights

While some parents are busy belting out “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” I am desperately trying to squeeze as much outdoor fun into what’s left of my daughter’s summer break. Classes resume next week and neither one of us is ready to say so long to the season. My family spends a ton of time outside during the summer months, and this year has been no exception, despite the record-breaking heat. Now that the new school year is about to start, we are trying to get in as many outdoor adventures as possible. Since I telecommute, I … Continue reading

Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side?

The grass is always greener on the other side, right? Not necessarily but many of us can relate to feeling this way. This can happen in any area of life and it can even happen when you have a home business. When others hear that I work from home, without even knowing what I do, they tell me I am lucky. I think the reason people feel this way is because it sounds so luxurious. They envision you get to sleep in, work when you feel like it, take off whenever you want and stay in your jammies all day. … Continue reading

Easy Ways for Single Parents to Make Extra Money

One of my biggest challenges being a single mom is dealing with finances, especially around birthdays and holidays. However, I have discovered some easy ways to make a little extra money when times are tight (well, tighter than normal, anyways). eBay and Craigslist Ebay and Craiglist are excellent places to sell your old, unwanted things online. I usually put smaller items on eBay and larger items on Craigslist. I can typically earn an extra $50-$100 selling mostly old clothes and toys on eBay. Craigslist has always been hit-or-miss for me. I once listed a treadmill for $75, and it was … Continue reading

Ways to Go Green for Lent

Some people know how to be green, but have a hard time applying it. If you observe Lent as a time to abstain from something, consider these ways to go green: Fast from workday lunch I cannot fast because of my blood sugar. But, those like that like to fast during Lent can consider fasting from their workday lunch. If you eat out, you will save on gas (which also cuts down on emissions) and waste (especially if you drive-thru to get takeout). Consider taking your lunch hour to take a prayer walk or meditate. Fast from the television I … Continue reading

Green Ways to Winterize Your Home – Part 1

One way to go green is to lower your thermostat, but a lot of people don’t want to do that because they don’t like being cold. Sure, you could run around the house all the time in a snuggie, but there are other ways to help winterize your home and still be green. One easy way is to use a draft snake. These are the circular things that you put at the bottom of your door. You can buy cut little draft snakes at various places, but you can also make your own. You can make these from scraps of … Continue reading

Green as a Religion?

I am constantly reading magazines and am always on the lookout for an article about green living. I was a bit taken aback when I was reading an issue of The Week (great magazine BTW) and there was a small blurb about a case in Britain in which a man claimed he was dismissed from his job for his beliefs…in global warming. Now, we’ve all heard of religious persecution, but could this going too far? Tim Nicholson claimed he was let go from the property management firm in July 2008 for which he worked because of his beliefs in man-made … Continue reading

10 Ways to Go Green at the Office

10. Pull the plug One study showed that low power mode (what your computer goes into when it is turned off) accounts for approximately 10% of all the electricity used in California. To make sure you are completely cutting the power off, unplug items such as computers, monitors televisions, DVD players, and microwave ovens. 9. Try telecommuting Of course, everyone is not lucky enough to have a job that allows telecommuting, but maybe instead of working five 8 hour days, you could work four ten hour days to save on energy. 8. Digitize whenever possible Of course, we all love … Continue reading

The Green Way to Get Rid of Spiders

(I hate spiders. I have respect for almost all other living things. I’ve been known to capture a ladybug in a cup, cover it with my hand, and then take the elevator down seven stories to set it free in the garden below my old office. But, I hate spiders. So, needless to say, I was a bit freaked out when I saw what I considered to be a large brown spider on my front porch a few weeks ago. I panicked and went for the spider spray my husband keeps in the garage for just such occasions. I hate … Continue reading

Greening up Your Technology

Going green can mean ensuring that your technology doesn’t hog electricity and other resources. A good part of your “footprint,” the amount of impact that you and your household have on the environment, can be affective my your technology. Here are some ways to green up your stuff without living like you are off the grid. Know your home theater As televisions get larger and the standard CRT gets replaced by plasma and LCD, and as surround sound speakers are added, the energy consumption on your home theater system goes up. Knowing which of these products have the least impact … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: December 10 – 16

Here are this week’s articles. The After Christmas List Start making your list early for the after Christmas shopping you want to do. You’ll have a better idea what to look for when you scan the ads for those post holiday sales. Gifts for Gardeners Here are some nice ideas for the gardeners on your Christmas list. Tour the HGTV Dream Home They call it a dream home for a reason… Is this what your dream home would look like? Two Weeks until Christmas! One minute it’s Halloween and before we know it, Christmas is here. The Christmas Shopping Blues … Continue reading