Committing to Decluttering

The other day, I blogged about Tammy Strobel who was inspired by Dave Bruno’s “The 100 Thing Challenge.” We as Americans love to have more. The more the better. Think of the old saying, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Actually, he who dies with the most toys leaves a lot of clutter behind for his family to go through. Bruno started to realize that your stuff can consume you and came up with “The 100 thing Challenge.” Call him a minimalist, but Bruno and his blog about his 100 things has a lot of followers. Now I … Continue reading

What is a Freegan?

I know what a vegetarian is and I know what a vegan is. I’ve heard of the minimalistic movement and even subscribe to the 100 Things Challenge on Facebook (not that it does me much good). But, until I was watching the 10th season of “Project Runaway” the other day, I had never heard of a freegan. Contestant Fabio Costa (who is originally from Brazil, but now lives in Brooklyn, New York) told another designer that he was a freegan. He explained to that designer that he gets his meals from dumpsters, to which everyone in the room went “Ew!” … Continue reading

Mending Your Clothes

There are many times where green living and frugal living go hand in hand and this is one of them. Have you ever opened your closet and found clothes you never wear? Sometimes I do that and ask myself “Why?” Why have all this clutter when I don’t use or need it? One way to keep from cluttering up your closet with clothes is to be able to repair the ones you have and actually use. Sometimes something small happens and rather than fix it, we toss the item or worse yet, leave it in the closet and never use … Continue reading