Environmentalists Being Killed in Brazil

I think we take many of our freedoms for granted. Take the Occupy Wall Street people for example. They have been demonstrating in NYC in a public park for almost two months now. The police are on duty, but as far as I know, no protesters have been harmed. If only it were so easy in Brazil. This week, an environmentalist who was an outspoken protester of illegal logging in the Amazon has been killed. This is the eighth environmentalist killed since May. Pastoral Land Commission spokesperson Gilson Rego said that Joao Chupel Primo, 55, a farmer, was shot to … Continue reading

A Different Type of Vacation

We just returned from the typical vacation – drove to Florida to an amusement park (Legoland to be specific). It was really fun, but it didn’t benefit a lot of people other than us. Did you ever think about vacationing for a cause? It’s true – that’s becoming one of the hottest travel options. I know several of our church members just returned from Uganda on a mission trip. Think of vacationing for a cause as a mission trip without the church’s influence. Vacations with a cause include helping the earth, helping animals, and helping people. The good part is … Continue reading

Earth Liberation Front

Not long ago, I blogged about Tre Arrow, an extreme environmentalist activist. Although he has denied it, many think Arrow is a part of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). I found it somewhat ironic that the organization the FBI dubbed the #1 domestic terrorist group in America has the acronym of something as whimsical as ELF. When the Oscar nominations were announced, I noticed that one of the documentaries was If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front. I’d like to see this before the Oscars on February 26th, but it’s doubtful I will be able to. … Continue reading