Have a Weekend without Oil

As you know, millions of gallons of oil have been spilled in the Gulf after the BP incident. The New York Times estimates that 145 million gallons have been spilled based on government flow estimates. Maybe we can do something about it. DoSomething, an organization to empower teens and youth to improve their communities, and SmartPower, a lead marketer of clean, renewable energy, are teaming up for the Weekend without Oil. Next weekend (August 21-22), the two are asking that you cut your oil consumption to help offset the millions of gallons lost in the Gulf. The two also hope … Continue reading

Latest BP Oil Spill News

President Obama put the smack down on BP the other day, saying the company would put $20 billion in a fund that would go to those affected by the Gulf oil spill. BP won’t have to cough up all the money at once to prevent a panic among investors. But, investors got bad news as BP announced it would not pay any dividends for the rest of 2010. There was a payment scheduled for June 21 which was for about $2.6 million which has since been cancelled. The oil continues to flow out of the broken rig. Scientists have estimated … Continue reading

FTC Warns Businesses and Consumers of Oil Scams

Scammers never take a holiday and that is true of the BP oil spill as well. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warned both businesses and consumers this week of potential scams related to the oil spill. The FTC is cautioning people to take care when approached by someone claiming they are raising money or offering remediation services related to the oil spill. Scams may come through emails, flyers, mailers, telephone calls, or even door-to-door solicitation. These people may tell you that they are collecting money for an organization such as the Humane Society or a food bank to help those … Continue reading