Meatless Monday Campaign Continues

Not too long ago, I blogged about Meatless Monday. That is the campaign to avoid meat on Mondays. This campaign has two benefits – it is green and it is healthy. Sid Lerner, who gave us the “Squeeze the Charmin” campaign, is now trying to get chefs on board for his Meatless Mondays. He hopes to turn something that may seem routine into something special. Who’s trying to help Lerner spread the word? One of my favorite celebrity chefs, Wolfgang Puck, has used the concept in some of his restaurants. He started Meatless Monday at his Las Vegas eatery, Wolfgang … Continue reading

Green Easter

It’s almost Easter and as always, when holidays are near, my mind turns to celebrating them in a green way. First, you can make your own Easter basket, but you may not be that crafty. I would love to be able to make a cute cloth basket, but I cannot sew, so I just have to settle for purchasing one at the store. You can get a simple basket then allows the kids to decorate it with eco-friendly items such as fresh flowers, bows made from scraps of fabric, and felt eggs and bunnies. If you want to be really … Continue reading

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

My cholesterol is probably high. I haven’t had it checked lately, but I know I’ve been putting on weight (20 pounds to be exact), not exercising (although I am trying to start a routine), and eating bad foods (think fried and processed and not enough fiber). My best friend does all the same bad things I do – weighs too much, no exercise, eats poorly – but his cholesterol is great. Why? Because he takes a pill every day to keep it down. Now, bad cholesterol is no joke, but I don’t want to take a pill to lower mine. … Continue reading

Health Screening Checklist for Women

Most of us hate to think about it, but screenings are a way to keep us healthy. You are probably afraid that something bad may be found, but if you think about it, early detection is a good thing. So what are the 10 health screenings every woman should ask her doctor for? First of all, have your blood pressure checked. I think every time I go to the doctor, no matter what it is for, I get my blood pressure checked. You can have it checked at local pharmacies if nothing else. It may be harder to get your … Continue reading