Recycling Flip Flops

I don’t know about where you live, but here in Memphis, it seems like it’s been summer for the past three weeks. March isn’t even over and I am sending my son to school in shorts. You know what that means – flip flops for mama! But, what if you have leftover flip flops? Maybe they are your favorites and you just can’t seem to part with them, but you don’t wear them anymore either. You can recycle them! Yes, just like many other household items, flip flops can be given new life through recycling. If you are the crafty … Continue reading

Recycling Plastics: By the Numbers

One day in my office, we received a new recycling bin. It has one side for aluminum cans and the other side simply said “plastics.” I can’t remember what it was, but my boss wanted to toss something in the plastic side when our business manager said, “No, you can’t do that” and explained whatever he had that was plastic couldn’t be recycled with things like water bottles. His argument was the bin only said “plastics,” which rather makes sense. How do you know what plastics to recycle? You have to go by the numbers. If you look on the … Continue reading

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. Many people consider the creation of Earth Day to be the moment when the modern environmental movement began. There will be events held, all around the world, that are intended to demonstrate support for environmental protection. John McConnell was the founder and creator of Earth Day. In 1939, he was partnering with chemist Albert Nobell in the Nobell Research Laboratory in Los Angeles, California. They built a factory that manufactured plastic. John McConnell learned about how the manufacture of plastic polluted the Earth. This is where his concern about the environment … Continue reading

Put Some Green In Your Spring

I’m attempting a greener spring, and not just outside but inside as well. When I think about how many chemicals my family is exposed to, inside the house, it makes me a little sick. I try to do the right thing and have as little impact on the is planet as I can but, let’s face it, we are all used to our modern conveniences. I’m typing this on a computer made up of lots of plastic and metal, connected to electricity and a modem, in a warm, well lighted house. All of those things come together for one little … Continue reading

One Green Step At A Time

I really try to live a greener life, to have as little impact on the planet as possible. It’s not always easy and sometimes when doing the green thing takes longer or is more work, I’ll slip back into my neglectful ways. There are simple things you can do to reduce your family’s impact at home, things that don’t require a lot of thought and effort which means you will actually do them. The easiest thing is to implement meatless Mondays, or really any day you want, but one meatless day a week. Swap our your cleaners. As you run … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 2

Here are even more ideas to help you reduce the amount of trash that comes out of your home. You’ll save the environment, and you may even same some money, too. If you missed the earlier article on reducing your trash, called, aptly, Reducing Your Trash, click here. And now, let’s continue with tips for reducing your trash. Buy concentrated products that need to be diluted before use, such as cleaners, laundry detergents, frozen juice, fruit drinks and more. This will save on packaging, since you will be bringing less into your home. Reduce the amount of catalogues and junk … Continue reading