The Best Plastics to Buy

While reducing the amount of plastics that we use make good sense, sometimes it is hard to avoid them. We may need plastic plates and cups for children who would be in danger from glass or heavy stainless steel. And some of the food products we buy, even that organic yogurt may come in a plastic container, and the organic free range chicken may come in a plastic wrap. Still, some plastics are better than others when it comes to the chemicals they release and the easy of recycling them. Here is a guide. The next time you are out … Continue reading

Halloween: Orange, Black and Green

The problem with buying reduced priced Halloween candy so early in October (you know, so you can cross it off your to-do list) is that you end up eating chocolate bars for breakfast. So much for being healthy… or green. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), my sugar-coated purchase is not doing a thing to help the planet… or my waistline. This year the EWG is encouraging parents across the nation to add some green to the black and orange Halloween mix by following some simple tips, including: Make Your Own Costume: The EWG discourages purchasing new Halloween getups … Continue reading

Green Resolutions – Part 1

The New Year is upon us. If you are like most people, you have probably made a few New Year’s resolutions. I know how those well-intended resolutions usually go – I make a resolution to diet every year and end up breaking it eventually. Even so, there are a few green resolutions that I am going to try to keep this year. One it to use the reusable shopping bags. I have already purchased them, but I usually forget to put them in the car because I am in a rush to get to the store. Then, I get to … Continue reading

BPA: Harder to Avoid Than Originally Thought?

You have probably heard about BPA (bisphenol A) and how some believe it is bad for our health. BPA is an industrial chemical used to make plastics. In 2002 alone, there was 2.8 million tons of BPA produced, so there is a lot of it out there. You have probably heard experts warn not to reuse your water bottles, choose BPA-free plastic baby bottles, don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers (use glass instead), and just plain avoid any plastic that has the No. 7 recycling label because it is made with BPA. Right now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) … Continue reading

Tin in Your Vitamin?

I got caught up for a good twenty minutes at the drug store the other day, trying to decide on a new multivitamin. Usually, I take a vitamin B complex and a vitamin D supplement, and that’s it — the rest of the vitamin alphabet I can get from my diet, but I feel like I need some help with the D and the Bs. The problem began when the drug store was out of my usual brand of vitamin D. Oh no! Complicating the problem was the fact that all vitamins from the same brand were buy one get … Continue reading

Bad, Bad Particleboard

According to National Geographic’s Gree Guide, “Pressed woods—particleboard, medium-density fiberboard and some plywood—contain, and release, vapors of formaldehyde, a volatile organic compound (VOC) classified by the EPA as a probable human carcinogen.” Ouch. Considering that many furniture items in our home have at least some particle board, medium density fiberboard (MDF) or plywood, I am concerned, both for the environment and for the health of my family. But what can you do if you are concerned about particleboard. After all, particleboard is inexpensive and easy to use. Few of us can afford higher end furniture, such as all solid wood … Continue reading

BPA is Safe Says FDA

Are you worried about exposing your baby to bisphenol A, also known as BPA? It is a chemical that has been shown to cause fertility and sexual maturity problems in the lab. In low doses, the chemical has also been shown to cause behavior and brain changes, as well as possible reduced viability and low birth weight in fetuses. There has also been a study that shows that the more often babies are exposed to BPA through shampoo, soap and lotion that are stored in BPA containers, the more of the chemical they have in their systems. Not to worry … Continue reading

House Approves Legislation for Tougher Toy Standards

Toys should not be hazardous to our children’s health. It has long been assumed that the things that we buy and give to our children, those same toys, teethers, and pacifiers that our babies put in their mouths, are safe. But as we all know now, that is not the case. In a bold move yesterday, the House overwhelmingly approved legislation that would ban lead from baby toys and children’s products. These are the toughest standards for lead in the world. In addition, the legislation also bans six types of phthalates in plastic products meant for children. Third-party testing of … Continue reading

Be Careful When Heating Up Thanksgiving Leftovers

Thanksgiving may be over, but you may not be able to tell by looking in your refrigerator. Even if the turkey, stuffing and cranberries were exceptionally prepared there’s usually enough to last long after the holiday meal is over. And, if you’re anything like me you probably don’t think twice about sticking those leftovers in the microwave and reheating them. If you do—-beware. Food experts say when heating up food in plastic, you might be consuming chemicals you never knew existed. Studies have shown that in some plastics, a chemical called DEHA can seep into your food when exposed to … Continue reading