Sanitizing Your Home for Swine Flu

Swine Flu has many people up in arms. People don’t want to shake hands. People get nervous when someone else coughs. People are even sanitizing their homes. But will home sanitizing prevent you from getting swine flu? Maybe. Sanitizing your home is effective against getting swine flu if someone in your home has it. If no one in the house has swine flu, then there’s really no point about going overboard to sanitize it. The problem is that you don’t know that you even have Swine Flu in your home until someone gets sick, and by then the whole house … Continue reading

Your Eco-Arsenal: Vinegar

Vinegar is a safe, environmentally friendly product that can be used in so many ways around your home. It will reduce the number of chemicals that you purchase (and release into the air), the amount of packaging (choose large glass or plastic bottles that can be recycled, and it will even reduce the amount of money you spend. Here is a guide to the many uses for vinegar and what it can replace around your home. Produce washes While plain water used to be fine for rinsing produce, studies have shown that using water alone, even with a scrub brush, … Continue reading

Having a Clean Home Might Be Bad for Your Baby

Did you go through a period of nesting before the birth of your baby? Where you frantically cleaning and organizing? Most of us go through that time, close to birth, where we want to make sure that we are prepared and that everything is ready for our new little one. After baby is born, we try to balance all of that newborn care with creating a clean and safe environment. We scrub and sanitize to keep our babies healthy. But having a home that is too clean might be bad for your baby. There is a lot of research to … Continue reading

Frugal Cleaning Arsenal

If you want to attack your dirt, you’ll need an arsenal of supplies. But forget the fancy cleaners, battery powered mops, and expensive robots. You can have a sparkling clean house without spending a lot of money. Head over to your local warehouse and/or discount club and pick up the following items. You can use them to make your own cleaners and cleaning equipment arsenal. Baking soda: A natural deodorizer and scrubber that is great for cleaning ovens, microwave ovens and the refrigerator. Combined with the next ingredient, it can clean bathrooms. Vinegar: A grease cutter that makes surfaces shine … Continue reading

More Dirty Jobs

The spring cleaning is finally done so why are there still messy jobs that need to be done? There are some things in every house that don’t get done very often, either because we don’t think aobut them or because we think it is going to be too much work. Now that your house is sparkling from all the spring cleaning, lets get those little jobs out of the way. Are your light fixtures a bug graveyard? Even when I think there are no bugs in my house, somehow there are dead ones in the light fixture. This really doesn’t … Continue reading

Cleaning with Steam

We have had two rarely used steam cleaner machines in our closet for some time now. The fist one called a Steam Buggy, and I purchased it some years ago when I was moving to get the house uber-clean. I have a second one called a Dirt Devil Force as it came with a Dirt Devil Vacuum I purchased some years ago. Both machines promise to sterilize your home without using harsh chemicals. They also claim to steam your clothing, but they tend to just leave clothes splattered with hot water. They do, however work well for cleaning. We fired … Continue reading

Chicken Wings, Cauliflower and Coke

If you are a parent who struggles to get your child to eat cauliflower (or any vegetable for that matter) you might consider adding this recipe to your arsenal. It combines the unpopular veggie (at least in my family) with a very popular carbonated beverage—-Coca Cola. The other recipe also features the sugary soft drink, but this one pairs it with a finger food devoured by kids of all ages. Chicken Wings in Coke is a recipe my grandfather made each year for our family’s Super Bowl party. Not only is it easy to make, it also satisfies the masses … Continue reading